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Mary of Eu

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Mary I of Lusignan (c. 1223 – October 1, 1260) was a Countess of Eu in France. She was a daughter of Raoul II of Lusignan, Count of Eu. Her mother was Yolande de Dreux, daughter of Robert II, Count of Dreux[a] and Yolande de Coucy.[1]

Mary married Alphonso of Brienne about 1250.[2] She became Dame d'Issoudun, Countess of Eu and of Guinness in 1250. Mary died on October 1, 1260 in Melle.[2]

She and Alphonso had two children:

Marie's possible children:

  • Isabella
  • Margaret[4]
  1. Robert II was a grandson of Louis VI of France.[1]


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  1. 1.0 1.1 George Edward Cokayne, The Complete Peerage of England, Scotland, Ireland..., Vol. V, eds. H. A. Doubleday; Howard de Walden (London, The St. Catherine Press, Ltd., 1926), p. 167
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Detlev Schwennicke, Europaische Stammtafeln: Stammtafeln zur Geschichte der Europaischen Staaten, Neue Folge, Band III Teilband 4 (Marburg, Germany: J. A. Stargardt, 1989), Tafel 683
  3. George Edward Cokayne, The Complete Peerage of England, Scotland, Ireland..., Vol. V, eds. H. A. Doubleday; Howard de Walden (London, The St. Catherine Press, Ltd., 1926), p. 170
  4. Chronique des comtes d´Eu