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List of Kurds

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This list is a list of notable Kurds.

Nobility[change | change source]

  • Sadakiyans* (770–827)
  • Shaddadids (951–1199)
  • Rawwadids* (955–1071)
  • Marwanids (959–1014)
  • Hasanwayhids (959–1014)
  • Annazids (990/991–1117)
  • Ayyubids (1171–1341)
  • Hazaraspids (1115–1425)

Politicians[change | change source]

  • Ahmad Moftizadeh - was an influential political and religious thinker among the Sunni Kurdish minority in Iranian Kurdistan. He is best known for his leading role in negotiating democratic freedoms for the Kurdish people in Iran during the country's Islamic Revolution. Moftizadeh led one of three major Kurdish factions during the Islamic Revolution that were demanding increased rights for Kurds in the new government. His negotiations ultimately failed and the new revolutionary authorities of the Islamic Republic of Iran ordered the arrest of Moftizadeh and several of his followers. Moftizadeh died shortly after his release from prison on 9 February 1993 due to severe torture and mistreatment by Iranian prison authorities
  • Mehmet Şerif Pasha – Kurdish nationalist leader, one of founders of Kurdish Society for Cooperation and Progress
  • Mahmud Barzanji – Politicial leader, king of short-lived Kingdom of Kurdistan
  • Mustafa Barzani – Politician, leader and general
  • Abdul Rahman Ghassemlou – Secretary-General of the Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan (KDPI)
  • Mustafa Yamulki – Military officer, education misnister of short-lived Kingdom of Kurdistan
  • Qazi Muhammad – Politicial leader, who founded the KDPI and headed the short-lived, Soviet-backed Republic of Mahabad

Turkish politicians[change | change source]

Presidents of Turkey

  • Turgut Özal[1] – 8th president of Turkey

Ministers of Turkey

  • Mehdi Eker[2] – Former minister of Agriculture and Forestry of Turkey
  • Hikmet Çetin[3][4] – Former Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Turkey
  • Binali Yıldırım[5][6] – Former prime minister or Turkey and former AK Party chairman
  • Mehmet Şimşek[7] – Former minister of Finance and Deputy Prime minister of Turkey
  • Kutbettin Arzu[7] – Former minister of Agriculture and Forestry of Turkey
  • Bülent Ecevit[8][1] – Former prime minister of Turkey
  • Ali Haydar Konca[7] – Former minister of EU affairs of Turkey
  • Bekir Bozdağ[9][10] – Justice minister of Turkey
  • Zafer Çağlayan[11][12] – Former minister of Economy and Industry and Technology of Turkey

British politicians[change | change source]

  • Nadhim Zahawi[13][14] – Minister of Equalities and Intergovernmental Relations of UK

Dutch politicians[change | change source]

  • Dilan Yeşilgöz Zagerius[15] – Minister of Justice of the Netherlands

Belgian politicians[change | change source]

  • Zuhal Demir[16][17] – Flemish minister of environment, Justice, Tourism and Energy of Belgium

Iraqi politicians[change | change source]

Presidents of Iraq

  • Abdul Latif Rashid[18] – 9th president of Iraq
  • Jalal Talabani – 6th president of Iraq
  • Fuad Masum[19][20] – 7th president of Iraq
  • Barham Salih[21] – 8th president of Iraq


  • Abd al-Karim Qasim – Former prime minister of Iraqi Republic
  • Masoud Barzani – 1th president of Kurdistan region
  • Kosrat Rasul Ali – Former leader of PUK, minister, and former vice president of the Kurdistan Region
  • Nechirvan Barzani – 2th president of Kurdistan region
  • Qubad Talabani – Deputy Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Region

Iranian politicians[change | change source]

  • Mohammad Baqer Ghalibaf[22] – Former mayor of Tehran

Scholars[change | change source]

  • Ahmad Moftizadeh-Ahmad Muftizadeh was a political and religious thinker and an influential poet and writer among the Kurds of Iran and possibly Iraq
  • Ehmedê Xanî[23] – intellectual, scholar, mystic and poe
  • Celadet Alî Bedirxan – Diplomat, writer, linguist, journalist and political activist
  • Yûnis Reuf[24] – Poet and humanist
  • Arab Shamilov – Writer, poet, journalist, interpreter
  • Abdurrahman Sharafkandi[25]– Writer, poet, lexicographer, linguist, and translator
  • Qanate Kurdo[26] – philologist and professor
  • Mallah Xidir Ehmed Şawaysî Mîkayalî[27] – Poet and translator
  • Abdullah Cevdet – Intellectual, writer and physician

References[change | change source]

  1. 1.0 1.1 "Joe Biden's misguided views on 'the Kurds' are a cause for concern". TRT World. "Before Kurdish-dominated parties, Turkey has been led by prime ministers, presidents and parliament speakers with Kurdish roots, which included Turgut Ozal, Bulent Ecevit and Hikmet Cetin, serving on both sides of the political spectrum."
  2. "Mehdi Eker: Türkiye'de Kürt sorununu İttihatçı zihniyet çıkardı". Milliyet. "Kendisinin Diyarbakırlı olduğunu söyleyen Mehdi Eker, “Ben Diyarbakırlıyım. Ben Kürdüm. Kürtlerin, örfünü de geleneklerini de değerlerini de biliyorum. Onlara sahibim, onlara saygılıyım ve onları yaşıyorum. Bu dönem partim İstanbul ‘da aday gösterdi. Bu da benim için büyük onur” şeklinde konuştu."
  3. "Joe Biden's misguided views on 'the Kurds' are a cause for concern". TRT World. "Before Kurdish-dominated parties, Turkey has been led by prime ministers, presidents and parliament speakers with Kurdish roots, which included Turgut Ozal, Bulent Ecevit and Hikmet Cetin, serving on both sides of the political spectrum."
  4. "Hikmet Çetin'in Afghanistan görevi". Hürriyet. "Beni şaşırtan, Hikmet Çetin'in “Kürt Kökenli” bir siyasetçi olduğu haberinin gazetelerde yayınlanması. Dört dönem milletvekilliği yapan Hikmet Çetin'in “Kürt kökenli” olması CHP'de önemli görevler almasına, Türkiye Cumhuriyeti'nin Dışişleri Bakanı ve TBMM Başkanı olmasına engel olmamış..."
  5. "Başbakan Yıldırım: Benim de geçmişim Kürt". Habertürk. "Onlar bizim kardeşimiz. Bin yıldır bu topraklarda birlikte yaşıyoruz. Benim de geçmişim Kürt."
  6. "Binali Yıldırım: Benim de geçmişim Kürt". Rûdaw. "Yıldırım, “Kuzey Irak'ta akrabalarınız, Kürt kardeşlerimiz var. Suriye'nin kuzeyinde de öyle. Bizim Kürt kardeşlerimizle ilgili bir derdimiz, sıkıntımız yok. Onlar bizim kardeşimiz. Bin yıldır bu topraklarda birlikte yaşıyoruz. Benim de geçmişim Kürt” diye konuştu."
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 "Kabineye 4 Kürt, 1 Zaza". Hürriyet. "Yeni Gıda ve Tarım Bakanı Kutbettin Arzu’nun yanı sıra Maliye Bakanı Mehmet Şimşek ve AB Bakanı Ali Haydar Konca’nın Kürt, Başbakan Yardımcısı Cevdet Yılmaz’ın ise Zaza olduğu biliniyor."
  8. "Kürt kökenli olabilirim". Akşam. "Yani ben Kürt kökenli olduğumuzu duydum, öğrendim. Ama babam da böyle şeylere izin vermediği için, bu konuları bana hiç açmadı, açmazdı. O da sonuna kadar Türkiye Cumhuriyeti'ne bağlı ve cumhuriyetin bütün değerlerini paylaşan biriydi. Merhum olmadan önce kendisine bunu sormamıştım. Ona soramadım. Ama eminim ona sorsaydım 'evet' derdi."
  9. "Yeni başbakan bir Kürt mü?". Rûdaw. "Türkiye’de yeni başbakanın, Yozgatlı Kürt Bekir Bozdağ olacağı iddia edildi. [...] Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, başbakan olduğu 2012’de, Çin gezisinin son gününde medyaya şunları söylemişti: “Bütün etnik yapıları kuşatan bir partiyiz. 60 civarında Kürt kökenli milletvekili arkadaş var. Kabinemde 5 bakan arkadaşım Kürt. Süs eşyası diye taşımıyorum. Bekir Bey (Bekir Bozdağ) Kürt’tür."
  10. "Türkiye'de yeni kabine: 3 Kürt bakan/Babacan liste dışı/Erdoğan'ın damadı Enerji Bakanı". Rûdaw. "Listede Başbakan Yardımcısı Mehmet Şimşek, Kalkınma Bakanı Cevdet Yılmaz ve Adalet Bakanı Bekir Bozdağ Kürt bakanlar olarak göze çarpıyor."
  11. "‘Yıllarca Kürt’üm diyemedim’". Habertürk. "Çağlayan, "Bunu ilk defa görmüyoruz. Ben, Kürt kökenli bir insanım. Yıllarca Kürt olduğunu söyleyememiş biriyim" dedi."
  12. "Ülkücü kökenli Kürt’üm". Hürriyet. "Devlet Bakanı Zafer Çağlayan, hükümetin “Demokratik Açılım” kapsamındaki çalışmalarını, Kürt asıllı olduğunu fakat buna rağmen Ülkü Ocakları’nda ülkücülük yaptığını anlatarak savundu. "
  13. "Iraqi-Kurdish Nadhim Zahawi named UK’s new chancellor". Rûdaw. "UK Prime Minister named his education secretary Nadhim Zahawi, born in Iraq to Kurdish parents, as finance minister late on Tuesday following sudden resignations."
  14. "Five facts about Britain's new finance minister Nadhim Zahawi". Euromews. "Zahawi, 55, was born in Iraq and moved to Britain in the mid-1970s when his Kurdish family fled the rule of Saddam Hussein.'
  15. "Hollanda: Kürt siyasetçi Adalet ve Güvenlik Bakanı oldu". Kurdistan24. "Ekonomik İşler ve İklim Politikasından Sorumlu Devlet Bakanı olarak görevine devam eden Dersimli Kürt siyasetçi Dilan Yeşilgöz Zegerius’un Adalet ve Güvenlik Bakanı olarak görevlendirildiği bildirildi."
  16. "Kürt vekil Belçika'da bakan oldu". Kurdistan24. "Belçika Federal Hükümeti'nde yoksullukla mücadele, fırsat eşitliği, engelliler ve bilimsel politikalardan sorumlu devlet bakanlığına Kürt politikacı Zühal Demir atandı."
  17. "Zuhal Demir: Türkiye kökenli Kürt maden işçisinin Belçika'da bakan olan kızı". BBC News. "“Kürt kökenli“ olduğunu belirten Demir, devlet bakanlığı döneminde Türkiye'deki bazı basın organları tarafından, “PKK toplantısına katılmak ve terör destekçisi olmakla“ suçlandı."
  18. "Iraqi parliament elects Abdul Latif Rashid as new president". Al Jazeera. "Lawmakers in Iraq have elected Kurdish politician Abdul Latif Rashid as the country’s new president, paving the way for the formation of a new government and ending a year of deadlock, even as rockets landed near the parliament building."
  19. "Iraq profile - leaders". BBC News. "Veteran Iraqi politician Fuad Masum was overwhelmingly elected by parliament in July 2014. He is the second ethnic Kurdish president of Iraq, succeeding Jalal Talabani."
  20. "Kurds select Fuad Masum as Iraqi presidential candidate". Anadolu Agency. "Iraqi parties in the Kurdistan Regional Government agreed Thursday on Fuad Masum, a veteran Kurdish politician, as their presidential nominee, according to Patriotic Union of Kurdistan’s website."
  21. "Iraq: Parliament elects Barham Salih as new president". Al Jazeera. "Iraq‘s legislators have elected veteran Kurdish politician Barham Salih as the country’s new president, the state television reports. Salih is a former prime minister of the Kurdistan Regional Government and a former deputy prime minister of the Iraqi federal government."
  22. "Mohammad Baqer Ghalibaf – Mayor of Tehran". City Mayors. "Ghalibaf was born in 1961, in Khorosan northwestern Iran, to a Kurdish father and Persian mother, somewhat reflecting the diverse make up of the border province."
  23. Shakely 2002.
  24. Blau 1994, p. 238.
  25. Hitchins 2003, p. 75–76.
  26. Blau 2006.
  27. Hitchins 2010.

Sources[change | change source]

  • Pope, Nicole; Pope, Hugh (1998). Turkey Unveiled: A History of Modern Turkey. Overlook Press. pp. 254. ISBN 1-58567-096-0. A good mumber of president of republic, including Ismet Inönü and Turgut Özal, had Kurdish blood.
  • Romano, David (2006). The Kurdish nationalist movement: opportunity, mobilization, and identity. Cambridge University Press. p. 118. ISBN 978-0-521-68426-2. Despite his own Kurdish ancestry, Inonu had apparently embraced Ziya Gokalp's notions of Turkism, which allowed him to advance to the highest post of the new republic.
  • Shakely, F. (2002). AḤMAD-E ḴĀNI. AḤMAD-E ḴĀNI (1061-1119/1650-1707), a distinguished Kurdish poet, mystic, scholar, and intellectual who is regarded by some as the founder of Kurdish nationalism. {{cite encyclopedia}}: |journal= ignored (help)
  • Blau, Joyce (2006). "KURDOEV, QENĀTĒ". Encyclopaedia Iranica. KURDOEV, QENĀTĒ (b. Susiz, near Qaziman in the province of Kars, 1909; d. St. Petersburg, 1985), Kurdish philologist and university professor.
  • Hitchins, Keith (2003). HAŽĀR. Vol. XII, Fasc. 1. pp. 75–76. HAŽĀR, the pen name of ʿABD-AL-RAḤMĀN ŠARAFKANDI (b. Mahābād, 1921; d. Tehran, 1 Esfand 1369 Š./21 February 1991; Figure 1), Kurdish poet, philologist, and translator. {{cite encyclopedia}}: |journal= ignored (help)
  • Blau, Joyce (1994). DELDĀR,YŪNES MELA RAʾŪF. Vol. VII, Fasc. 3. p. 238. DELDĀR, YŪNES MELA RAʾŪF (b. in the sanjaq of Ḵoy in the Ottoman empire, 20 February 1918; d. Erbīl, Iraq, 12 October 1948), Kurdish poet and humanist. While a student of law in Baghdad he joined the Hiwā (Hope) party, the first legally recognized Kurdish organization to work for the unification of Kurdistan. {{cite encyclopedia}}: |journal= ignored (help)
  • Hitchins, Keith (2010). NALÎ. NALÎ (Pers. Nāli), the pen-name of Mela Khidrî Ehmedî Šaweysî Mikâʾîlî (b. Ḵāk o ḵol, 1797 or 1800; d. Istanbul, 1855 or 1856), Kurdish poet who contributed immensely to making Sorani the literary language of southern Kurdistan, that is, most of present-day Iraq and the neighboring districts in Iran (...) {{cite encyclopedia}}: |journal= ignored (help)