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Serce and Rozum

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Serce and Rozum
Created byPublicis Poland
Portrayed byJarosław Boberek (Serce) Michał Sitarski (Rozum)

Serce i Rozum (eng. Heart and Mind) – two characters that used to advertise Orange (formerly Telekomunikacja Polska) telecom company in Poland.

Characters[change | change source]

  • Serce – a male heart. He's energetic, lively and carefree.
  • Rozum – a male brain. He's sensible, calm and always thinks open-minded.
  • Renia – a female eldery reindeer.
  • Pieszczoch – Serce and Rozum's pet.
  • Oczy – eyes, Serce and Rozum's friends.
  • Do-Ping – a male ping-pong ball, he comes from China.
  • Doctor Zając – a male hare, who works as a dentist.
  • Myszata – Serce and Rozum's mouse.

Campaign[change | change source]

Serce and Rozum were created by Publicis Poland advertising agency. First commercial with them was broadcast on TV in 2010, however in 2017 Orange officially anounced that the characters will no longer appear in their adverts. They are retiring to Florida.[1] The campgain was a huge success. In 2013, Serce and Rozum's Facebook page reached over 2 Million fans and became Poland's most popular Facebook page.[2] Campaign with Serce and Rozum won lots of prizes, such as Grand Prix in Effie Awards, 2011.[3]

Sources[change | change source]

  1. "Orange żegna się z Sercem i Rozumem. Koniec pewnej historii | gsmManiaK.pl". gsmManiaK.pl | recenzje i testy sprzętu, aktualności, rankingi, porady, opinie (in Polish). 2017-02-10. Retrieved 2022-08-21.
  2. "Historia 2 milionów fanów: zobacz, jak Serce i Rozum zdobywali popularność". SOCIALPRESS (in Polish). 2013-08-05. Retrieved 2022-08-21.
  3. "Effie Awards 2011: Grand Prix dla Serca i Rozumu TP SA (wideo)". www.wirtualnemedia.pl (in Polish). Retrieved 2022-08-21.