
From Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
1 Wendell Berry Bobbie Ann Mason Poetry (magazine) Alice Hoffman
2 Fellowship of Southern Writers William Styron My Friend Flicka (book) Anthony Doerr
3 National Humanities Medal Natasha Trethewey Wallace Stevens John Irving
4 Dayton Literary Peace Prize The Great Gatsby Gerald Stern N. Scott Momaday
5 The Jefferson Lecture Grendel National Book Critics Circle Award John Crowe Ransom
6 Gwendolyn Brooks Parallelism (grammar) PEN/Hemingway Award Allen Tate
7 Kentucky Writers Hall of Fame Prose PEN/Faulkner Award Gertrude Stein
8 Poetry Prose poem Barbara Kingsolver Frank O'Hara
9 Emily Dickinson Delayed identification Bryan Stevenson Robert Creeley
10 The Yearling Robert Penn Warren Viet Thanh Nguyen H.D.
11 Rita Dove John Gardner (American writer) Ta-Nehisi Coates James Merrill
12 Silas House Tim O'Brien (author) Richard Powers Louis Zukofsky
13 Charles Reznikoff Dorothy Richardson Basil Bunting Harriet Monroe
14 Objectivism (poetry) Thornton Wilder Paul Bowles Alice B. Toklas
15 Iowa Writer's Workshop Edward Gorey Larry Rivers James Schuyler
16 Kenneth Koch the n-word Pulitzer Prize for Poetry The New American Poetry 1945-1960
17 Kingsley Amis Fairfield Porter Joan Mitchell Barbara Guest
18 World's Columbian Exposition The Century Magazine New York School The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas
19 Colleen Moore Bollingen Prize for Poetry Willem de Kooning Etheridge Knight
20 Hayden Carruth Karl Shapiro Charles Olson Denise Levertov
21 Robert Duncan Philip Whalen White supremacy Muriel Rukeyser
22 James Dickey Anthony Hecht William Carlos Williams Samuel Beckett
23 Black Mountain College Terence Davies Jane Bowles Ezra Pound
24 Sidney Bechet John Cheever Donald Justice Carolyn Kizer
25 Marilynne Robinson W.D. Snodgrass Mona Van Duyn Robert Lowell
26 Hans Hoffman Experimental Theater Carmelites George Oppen
27 Richard Hugo Rae Armantrout Ron Padgett Frank Bidart
28 Stanley Kunitz Harlan Hubbard Limerick (poetry) Amiri Baraka
29 Faggot (slang) Jack Spicer United States Poet Laureate Edward Hopper
30 Alice Notley Ted Berrigan Anne Waldman Hart Crane
31 Sonia Sanchez Waiting for Godot James Baldwin Chicago
32 Alex Katz Anne Porter San Francisco Renaissance Yale Series of Younger Poets
33 Gerard Manley Hopkins American poetry Bernadette Mayer Joseph Cornell
34 Cleanth Brooks Kenyon College Robert Motherwell David Smith
35 Fernando Pessoa Edward Albee John Ashbery Ishmael Reed
36 Joe Brainard Guillaume Apollinaire Lionel Trilling Tom Clark (poet)
37 Jim Dine Trevor Winkfield Blaise Cendrars Valery Larbaud
38 Pierre Reverdy The Things They Carried Language poetry Ron Silliman
39 Lyn Hejinian Barrett Watten Charles Bernstein Literature
40 Index (publishing) Table of contents

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