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The Khamba Thoibi is a 34,000-line epic poem. It was originally written in Meitei (Manipuri) and later translated into English, Spanish, French, Italian, Hindi/Urdu, Tamil and other languages.

Background[change | change source]

Orphan Khamba and Khamnu were taken care of by Kao, the sacred bull, for a long time until Khamnu set it free.

During the reign of King Chingkhu Telheiba of Ancient Moirang, the Crown Prince was Chingkhu Akhuba, the King's younger brother. The King had no son of his own. Moirang Thoibi was the Crown Prince's daughter. She was the only princess of the entire kingdom. In the Khuman Kingdom, King Yoithongnai of Khuman dynasty had three sons. The Khuman princes were Haoram-hal, the eldest, Haoram-yaima, the second and Haoram-ton Louthiba, the youngest. Once Royal High Priest Thoiba went fishing in a lake at a foothill with his wife, Chaobi Nongnangma-chak. They rested in the shade of a Heibung tree. He found a necklace of beads on the tree. He brought and gave it to the Khuman King. The Khuman King first gave the necklace to Haoram-yaima, the second. Later, he gave it to Haoram-ton Louthiba, the youngest. During that time, King Luwang Ningthou Punshiba of Luwang dynasty built a new palace. He invited all the royalties for a dinner party at his new palace. Two Khuman princes, Haoram-hal, the eldest and Haoram-yaima, the second were invited. So, the two princes put on their best royal dresses. Prince Haoram-hal, the eldest, asked his mother queen for the necklace. So, she gave him the jewel. A few moments later, Prince Haoram-ton, the youngest, found his necklace missing. He kept his necklace with great care. He came to know who had taken away his necklace. He got angry. He took his father’s sword secretly. He waited for his brothers' return. He planned to kill them. No one knew what the youngest prince was going to do. When the two princes returned home, Haoram-ton, the youngest killed Princt Haoram-hal. It was because Haoram-hal wore his necklace. At that moment, Prince Haoram-yaima, the second, fled from the spot. He even fled from his own kingdom. He went to Moirang kingdom. At his journey, he was accompanied by his two noble wives.[1] His wives gave birth to a son each. Parenkoiba was born to the first wife. Thangloihaiba was born to the second wife. Parenkoiba had a son named Purenba (or Puremba). Purenba became the greatest of all the warriors and hunters in the Moirang kingdom during his time. Once King Chingkhu Telheiba went to a hunt in the woods. Five ferocious tigers came out. All the king's men fled from the spot except Purenba. Purenba was one among the hunters. He killed the tigers all with his only spear. Thus, he saved the king's life. The king was satisfied with Purenba's conduct. The king had no daughters to offer him. So, in gratitude, the King offered Purenba one of his beautiful queens with rich dowry. Besides, he also gave Purenba the high office with titles of honor. His honor and fame spread in the entire kingdom. The King’s soothsayer gave names to the children of his queen. Purenba met an ominous fate. He fell ill. He had a strong fever. Later, he died. His wife, Ngangkhaleima was extremely sorrowful at Purenba's untimely death. Few months later, she too passed away. Thus, their two children became orphans. The children were taken care of by Purenba’s closest friends, Nongthonba and Thonglen. When Purenba was alive, Khamnu (Ngangkhaleima’s daughter) was engaged to Feiroijamba. Feiroijamba was Chaoba Nongthonba’s son. The two children were not happy at their care. So, they return to their parental house. They were happy there. At their parental house, no one came to help them.

Story plot[change | change source]

The fate of Khamba and Khamnu[change | change source]

Khamnu met Princess Thoibi in a marketplace.

Khamnu went from place to place to get helps as well as works. She husked paddy for some people. In repay of her work, the women breastfed to infant Khamba. Like this, she did service as well as got help wherever she went. Time went on. The two siblings got full grown up. To earn living, Khamnu sold woods in a market of Moirang. One day, Princess Thoibi visited the marketplace. She noticed Khamnu, the strange new face. She asked Khamnu many things. She even gifted Khamnu foods and jewelry. Khamnu and Thoibi met once more. Thoibi asked Khamnu to accompany her in fishing in the Loktak lake. The King heard that the princess and her companions were to sport on the lake. So, he ordered that no man should go to the lake. So, Khamnu told Khamba of the royal order. On the next day, she left him at home. Khamba was sleeping and had a dream.[2] In his dream, Goddess Ayangleima (either Panthoibi or Koiren Leima)(in the form of Khamnu) came asked him to get the vegetables. Khamba woke up and wondered about the dream. God Thangjing made him think that he had truly seen his sister. So, he rowed down on a boat in the lake. He went to a wrong direction. God Thangjing spread a veil of clouds over the hills. A storm suddenly occurred. It blew the boat towards where Thoibi was fishing. Thoibi saw Khamba standing close to her. She asked Khamnu if she knew the strange man disobeying the royal order. Khamnu said no. Khamba did not know what to do. Hearing his sister’s voice, he went closer. Thoibi saw that he was handsome, manly, muscular and well fashioned. Khamba was also amazed at Thoibi's beauty and glamour. It was God's will that they should be lovers. Khamnu worried that her brother might get punished for disobedience. Thoibi noticed a piece of Khamnu's cloth matching Khamba’s headdress. She also discovered Khamba wearing the bracelet she had given to Khamnu. Later, Khamnu revealed the truth. Then, Thoibi became kind to Khamba. She offered him delicate foods. She pleasantly told him to go home before the King's notice.

The Oath of the lovers[change | change source]

Princess Thoibi asked Khamnu to show her her house. So, both came to the old dis-repaired house. Thoibi sat on the red cloth near the post of the north side (ukoklel). The old house was full of holes. So, Khamba hid himself within a mat. Thoibi asked Khamnu about the very mat. Khamnu said that it was the worshipping place of God Khuman Pokpa. So, Thoibi asked if she could pray to the God. She wanted to be blessed by the God. Thoibi knew the fact very well. But she pretended if she knew nothing. She prayed aloud to the God to allow her to worship him daily in the house. Khamba heard her voices. He laughed aloud. Thoibi said the God was speaking. She came out in the veranda. Meanwhile, Khamba sent his sister to the market to bring some fruits. At Khamnu's absence, Thoibi presented him gifts. The two bound themselves by an oath before the God Khuman Pokpa. They drank the water in which the golden bracelet was dipped. They vowed to be lovers forever. After this oath, Thoibi addresed Khamnu as "sister".

Young man's identity[change | change source]

Khamba wrestling with his opponent

Khamba went out among the menfolk. He joined the wrestling club. An elderly man saw Khamba's strength. So, he asked him to wrestle. Nongban was the champion of the kingdom. He invited Khamba to wrestle with him. To everyone's surprise, Nongban got defeated by Khamba. Minister Nongthonba asked Khamba his name. At first, Khamba denied to expose his true identity. It was because he was already warned by his sister not to tell anyone about his true identity. Later, he revealed his name. But he did not tell his father's name. Minister Nongthonba became angry at Khamba's denial to tell his father's name. Khamba explained that his father died when he was an infant. He added that his sister brought him up. Minister Nongthonba recalled the face of the young man. Khamba's looks resembled the looks of Purenba. Purenba was Nongthonba's close friend. Nongthonba fell sorry for speaking sharply to Khamba.

"True is indeed that the elephant knows not his own brother, and kings forget their sons. Your father died ere his prime, even as a tree dies when men strip it of its bark."

Nongthonba dearly loved Khamba. In happiness, he told his wives of the lad he had met. He told them to prepare for fine clothes and an delicious foods for Khamba and Khamnu. He still remembered the marriage engagement between Feiroijamba, his first born son and Khamnu. They went to Khamnu. Khamnu hid herself in the women’s chamber. They wept and lamented. At this, Khamnu came out. She received the gifts from them. Nongthonba and Khamba went to the market place. Chingkhu Akhuba, the King’s brother, was in the marketplace. Nongthonba introduced Khamba to Chingkhu Akhuba. Then, they introduced Khamba to the King. The King treated Khamba kindly. He offered him the service to collect flowers for God Thangjing. Khamba narrated Khamnu everything. The King's brother was also kind to Khamba. He told his people about Khamba and his late father. He reminded Purenba's official position, status of high birth and glory to his state province. Princess Thoibi asked her father to honour Khamba by building him a house.

The flowers of God[change | change source]

Khamba and Thoibi during a ceremonial ritual dance

The King made Khamba the "Khuntak Leiroi Hanjaba" (Floriculture Minister) to gather flowers from the hills. Thoibi prepared delicious foods for Khamba. She tied it in a bundle of leaves. She fastened it with silks of seven kinds. On the next day, Angom Nongban Kongyamba and Khamba went on to a place where the flowers grew. Kongyamba claimed the place as his father's place. He threatened Khamba with the King's wrath. Khamba did not know that it was a trick. Khamba asked about his father's place to gather flowers. Kongyamba randomly pointed to the southern hills. Khamba went there but found no flowers. So, he prayed to God Thangjing. God fell pity on Khamba’s trouble. He sent a whirlwind bearing flowery fragrances towards Khamba. Khamba found a tree with many flowers. He thanked God Thangjing for the blessing. He gathered the flowers and threw them down the ground. By the grace of the God, not a petal of a single flower was broken. On his way back, he sang songs in honor of the princess. Kongyamba heard it. He got furious. Kongyamba asked Khamba to carry his flowers too but Khamba rejected. So, the two fought. Later, the fight ended due to hunger. The sweet smell of the delicious food of Khamba was very rich. So, Kongyamba was wondering about it. Meanwhile, the crows came down and ate Kongyamba's foods. So, he was very angry. Back at home, Kongyamba fell enraged with his wife. On the other hand, back at Khamba's home, Thoibi washed his feet and offered him fruits. Kongyamba sent his men to know about Khamba's dainty foods. In the Palace, they asked the "Ningon Lakpa" (women affairs minister) if there had been a feast. But there was no feast. Then, Kongyamba thought of evil plots against Khamba. So, he gathered many people in front of Khamba’s house. He announced that everyone should wear dresses of luxury and jewels of gold and silver in the festival of the Gods. He lied that it was the King's order. Everyone believed him. Khamnu asked him about what he was saying. Kongyamba scolded her if she has no ears for not listening to the King’s order. She wept of shame. Khamba fell sad because he had such clothes. In that night's dream of the two siblings, their parents told them about the presence of their clothes of honor in Thonglen’s house. Immediately, they woke up. Even in the night, they went to Thonglen’s house. The guards seized them thinking as thieves. They presented Khamba and Khamnu before Thonglen in the morning. But Thonglen knew the children of his old friend Purenba. He gave them the clothes. He even taught them the dance. Besides, he sent men and women to serve Khamba and Khamnu. He also built them a new house. Thoibi and Senu came to Khamba's house with gifts. But they did not know the house. It was because the house was so well built. Thoibi was shocked to see Khamnu and Khamba wearing rich clothes. It was because she thought that Khamba might had married a daughter of some rich man. Later, she knew the truth. Kongyamba offered the flowers to the royalties and the nobles. First, he offered some to the King. Secondly, he offered some to the Queen. Later, he offered the rest to the High Officers of the kingdom. It was then Khamba's turn. He feared about the code of conducts. So, he humbly asked the counsel of priestess. For Khamba, they first offer the flowers to God Thangjing. After that, Khamba presented the flowers to the the King, to the Queen and then to the High Officers of the kingdom. Everyone was pleased with the flowers of Khamba. So, they gave him rare gifts. Gifts received by Khamba were many times more valuable than the customary presents received by Kongyamba. During the dancing ceremony, Kongyamba and his good ladies danced first. Later, Khamba and Thoibi danced before God Thangjing's holy shrine. The latter's pairing was great. The audiences shouted with joy during the dance. Finally, Khamba and Thoibi knelt before God Thangjing.

The Championship[change | change source]

Kongyamba fell envious of Khamba's increasing fame. On the next day, participants began to prepare for the racing and wrestling championships. The officers of the respective "Pana"s (State Provinces) chose their respective champions. For Khamba's pana, he was chosen. He ran far very fastly with his chest lowering. For Kongyamba's pana, he was selected. But Kongyamba ran with his head high. He ran fast but not for very far. The championship organizers made that year's race longer than previous years' length. In both wrestling and running, both Khamba and Kongyamba were champions of their respective parties. At that day's night, Kongyamba planned with his men how to defeat Khamba.

"Many are the races I have won, and heavy will be my disgrace if this year I am second to Khamba."

On the other hand, Khamnu worried if Khamba's contenders might harm Khamba in jealousy. On the next day, Kongyamba announced to the people,

"It is evil for land if a poor man win the race. It might bring scarcity more than the people can bear. Let's say this among the people before the race begin."

This words spread among the public. Khamba was stopped and told that his name was not in the list of the contestants. Khamba believed them. So, he sadly returned home. He told everything to Khamnu. The two siblings told Nongtholba about it. Nongtholba went to the king. The king told Khamba to participate if it was not still late to join. Khamba and Feiroijamba went to the starting place of the race. They saw the race was about to be started. They shouted that they bore the King’s order. Khamba ran swiftly as fast as he could. Then, Kongyamba's men interrupted Khamba on his way. But Khamba stroke all of them aside. At last, he reached up Kongyamba. Kongyamba was running slowly as he got tired. Suddenly, fifteen horsemen of Kongyamba stopped Khamba. But Khamba kicked out all of them from his way. Khamnu shouted "Run on Khamba, for your father's honor." Finally, Khamba reached the final destination. He was the champion and Kongyamba was the second. Both saluted the King. The King was more pleased with Khamba. He gifted Khamba a gold embroidered coat. The Queen gifted Khamba luxurious clothes. The ministers also piled heaps of gifts upon Khamba. Khamba and his sister Khamnu generously offered many of the gifted clothes to the old men and women.

Capture of the feral bull[change | change source]

Khamba capturing the feral bull

Kongyamba was thinking about an evil plot against Khamba. But the Gods did not give him any evil hints in his dreams. So, he built a hut. Inside the hut, he tried to connect with a spirit. But he failed. One day, he met fisher women from the Khuman kingdom in the region of Moirang. Both the Khuman kingdom and the Moirang kingdom were in shores of the Loktak lake. The women came to Moirang besides having their own fishing area. So, Kongyamba asked them the reason for coming to Moirang.

"There is a great bull that lurks among the reeds of the shores of the lake, and it had claimed life of many. So, we dare not to fish there."

Suddenly, an idea came to Kongyamba's mind. He went to the king. He acted as a person possessed by a divine spirit. Kongyamba told the King,

"God Thangjing had spoken in my ears and I have his behest upon me. Verily said the God, I am sated with offerings of flesh and fish, but this year, my heart longs for the sweet savour of the flesh of the mighty bull that lurks in the reeds that border the water of the lake. My servant Khamba vows that he will bring it for my honor and for the welfare of the State."

The king called and asked Khamba about his promise. Khamba denied it. There resulted a great conflict between Khamba and Kongyamba. Later, Khamba told the king he would catch the bull if it was the God’s will. The king was pleased with Khamba. So, he promised him to give Princess Thoibi hand in marriage if he succeeded in the adventure. Minister Thonglen put seven marks on the lintel post of the capital city. It was the record of the King’s promise. The king of Moirang sent an embassy to the king of Khuman. The embassy proposed the great sport to be organized. The Khuman king agreed. A grand Colosseum was built. The Colosseum could hold a capacity of the audiences from both the two kingdoms. On the other hand, Khamnu revealed a secrecy to Khamba. She said,

"This great bull was once the Lord of your father's herd. Go to him, speak your father's name in his ear, and show him this Rope of silk."

On the day of the adventure, Khamba stand face to face with the bull. The bull charged towards him. Khamba bent a little aside. The audiences asked him if he got afraid. Khamba replied that he was waiting for a good position. Then, he stood on firm ground and caught the bull. The mighty bull carried him away into the thick woods. Khamba did everything as his sister instructed him. Immediately, the wild bull got tamed. Khamba brought the bull back. On the way back, Kongyamba came to him before anyone saw them. Kongyamba pretended to help Khamba to hold the bull. Kongyamba hold the rope. When everyone saw, Kongyamba claimed that he had captured the bull. He added that he even rescued Khamba who fell into the ditch. Once again, there was a great conflict between Khamba and Kongyamba over the claim. The two Kings could not find out who was right. So, Kongyamba was asked to fight the bull within an enclosure. But Kongyamba got frightened of the bull. So, he climbed up on the heights to save himself. Khamba faced the bull bravely. He once again captured the bull. Both the Kings honoured Khamba. They presented him many gifts. Since Khamba belonged to Khuman blood, the Khuman king asked the Moirang king to let Khamba live in the Khuman kingdom. The Moirang King did not agree.

Royal archery contest[change | change source]

Annually, a Royal archery contest was held in honour of God Thangjing. The contest was for the royalties of the Moirang kingdom. Kongyamba was selected to pick up the arrows shot by the King. Khamba was selected to pick up the arrows shot by the Crown Prince (King’s younger brother). Chingkhu Akhuba, the Crown Prince asked his daughter Thoibi about his Coat Of Golden Embroidery. But Thoibi had already given the coat to Khamba. So, she told him a white lie. On the day of the competition, the target was set. The royal priests sang charms over the arrows and the bows of the contestants. The King shot his arrows. Kongyamba fetched the arrows and gave back to the king. For the Crown Prince, Khamba was to fetch the arrows. The Crown Prince shot his arrows so swiftly. Khamba ran swiftly to pick them up. At this, Khamba's outer cloth get loosened. The Crown Prince saw the inner cloth worn by Khamba. It was his golden embroidered coat. He got furious. When Khamba gave him the arrow, he did not take it. He turned away from Khamba. Kongyamba took the arrow from Khamba. He gave it to the Prince. The Prince was pleased with Kongyamba. He told Kongyamba that princess Thoibi would be given to him within five days. Minister Nongthonba interrupted the conversation. He asked the Crown Prince why he (the prince) was suddenly unkind to Khamba. The Prince said that he did not like Khamba. Minister Nongthonba said,

"Is your daughter a fruit or a flower that is to be given away as a trifle of no worth? On the day when Khamba slew the bull, the king, your brother, promised her in the wedlock to Khamba in token whereof I set 7 notches upon the lintel of the royal palace for men to see and know."

The Prince denied the knowledge of the King's promise. He said that he would give his daughter to Kongyamba. At home, the Prince told his good ladies to prepare for the marriage gifts. Within five days, he was to give away his daughter Thoibi hand in marriage to Kongyamba. Khamba and Khamnu were even told to bring him gifts on the said day. The prince ordered that no one in the kingdom should sell fruits to the two siblings. Only Kongyamba was allowed to buy the fruits. Khamba went to a hill village of a tribesmen group. He sought help from Kabui Salang Maiba, the tribal chief. The tribal chief offered him two basketful of fruits. The chief also added some gifts for the princess Thoibi, his sister Khamnu and for Khamba himself. Khamba thanked him and came back with the fruits and the gifts. Thoibi set the fruits ready in eleven special dishes. She was promised by the Chief Queen, 10 other Queens and 10 maids that they will receive gifts from Khamba. On the day of gift reception, Kongyamba brought his gifts. At his arrival, Thoibi pretended to fell with fever. So, Thoibi's father told Kongyamba the princess' health condition. Then, Kongyamba left. Few moments later, the Crown Prince had gone to met the King. Thoibi instantly arose. Gifts from Khamba were recieved by the Queens and their maids warmly. At that moment, the Prince returned home. He was very thirsty. He longed for some juices of sour fruits. Thoibi prepared the juice from the fresh fruits brought by Khamba. She poured it into a silver cup for her father. The Prince has a sip of it. He asked for the whereabouts of the fruits. Thoibi told him that the fruits were brought by his son-in-law Khamba for his marriage. At this, the Prince got furious. He threw the silver cup at his daughter. Then, Thoibi pretended to faint. The Prince was terrified. At the same time, the Queens cried for her. He asked his daughter to get up and go to Khamba’s house. Then, Thoibi arose. But her father resumed to his anger again.

Danger from the Elephant[change | change source]

Khamba was about to be killed by his enemies. But Thoibi saved him in time.

The Prince and Kongyamba planned an evil plot to kill Khamba. Messengers told Khamba that he was called by the Crown Prince. On his way, Khamba was interrupted by Kongyamba and his men. Kongyamba asked Khamba to give up Thoibi. Khamba replied that he will not give up. As a result, they fought. Khamba threw Kongyamba's men upon the ground. Khamba knelt upon Kongyamba's belly. He pressed Kongyamba's throat. He was about to kill Kongyamba. But Kongyamba's men dragged Khamba off. They beat Khamba. His clothes were torn. They bound him so that he could not move. The Prince also came up on his elephant. He told the men to beat him. They fastened him to the elephant's leg with ropes. However, the elephant driver knew that Khamba was innocent. So, he bound him leaving him some spaces to breathe. Then they stimulated the elephant to harm Khamba. But God Thangjing let it not to move. Finally, Kongyamba hit the elephant with a spear to move in pain. But it did not harm Khamba. In that night, Goddess Panthoibi told Thoibi in her dream that her beloved man was bound by her father’s orders to the elephant and was nearly killed. Thoibi arose and took a sword. She immediately came to the spot for Khamba. The criminals feld from the spot. She cut the ropes that bound Khamba to the elephant. She rubbed his limbs so that blood could flow through them. Khamnu was informed about this mishap. She wept for the misfortune of her brother. Then, Feiroijamba came and helped him. Nongtholba was very angry at this crime. He told his son to put the issue before the Royal Court. The slaves of Minister Thonglen told their lord that Khamba was dead. Thonglen too got angry. He went to the Court with all his army. Feiroijamba said to the Court three times about the harsh cruelty to Khamba. However, the Prince did not pay attention to the complaint. Feiroijamba told them once more. Nongtholba angrily asked who dared to touch his son-in-law Khamba. The Prince proudly replied that it was he himself. He added that he believed Khamba was dead. He asserted that the complaint will not be taken seriously since Khamba was found alive. Nongtholba asked him if he had the power of life and death. The Prince proudly answered yes. Nongtholba proclaimed that none could kill his son-in-law when he was alive. He reminded everyone that he was still holding the task of protecting the kingdom. The conflict continued further. Finally, Minister Nongtholba and Chingkhu Akhuba, the Prince went to the King. Before their arrival, Princess Thoibi had already informed the king all the crimes committed by her own father. Thonglen came to the palace with all his army ready to fight. However, Nongtholba pacified him. The King proclaimed that all the criminals would be punished. So, he set the Prince in the prison. He told him to stay there untill Khamba was well again. The King sent his own men to take care of injured Khamba. He sent him gifts every day. Thoibi personally took care of Khamba. He got well again. So, the King set the Prince free. He thought that the Prince would not have any malices against Khamba.

The Exile of the Princess[change | change source]

Thoibi being beaten by her father for not obeying him

The Prince asked his daughter Thoibi to marry Kongyamba. But she rejected. He said, "I will be better to be childless than be the father of this evil girl." He asked his Minister Hanjaba to sell Thoibi to the Kabaw chief for silver and gold. He exiled her to Kabaw chiefdom. He did not want to see her anymore. Meanwhile, Thoibi told Khamba about her misfortune. For his sake, she had to go exile to Kabaw. She pleaded Khamba not to forget her. On the day of her exile, she wept so bitterly that her lamented cries were like the thunder. The Queen and all her maids also wept. Minister Hanjaba took her away to Kabaw. On her way, she met Khamba. He wept with her remembering the past happy days. Both the lovers felt the pains of separation. Khamba gave her a staff to lean on by the way. They departed. On her way further, Thoibi planted the staff by the roadside. She wished it to blossom into a leafy tree if she remain chaste for Khamba. She also marked upon a roadside stone as the record. Finally, she reached Kabaw. But Chief Tamurakpa of Kabaw fell pity on her sadness. He kept her as a guest in his place. Thoibi befriended with Changning Kanbi, the daughter of the Chief. The evil women of Kabaw persuaded Changning to treat Thoibi like a servant. So, she sent Thoibi to catch fish and to gather fuel woods. Thoibi was busy with her tasks. However, she always dreamed that Khamba was with her. God Thangjing took pity on her. Chief Tamurakpa got notice of harsh treatments to Thoibi by his own daughter. So, he asked all the women to weave a cloth each. Changning called Thoibi a wayward child. It was because of Thoibi's denial of marrying Kongyamba. Changning knew Kongyamba was muscular, attractive and a blood of a famed race. So, she thought Kongyamba as a good man. Tamurakpa heard his daughter's words. He was angry with her. He was about to strike her but Thoibi stopped him. The two ladies wove their respective clothes. Changning was jealous of Thoibi. In the night, Changning tore holes in Thoibi's cloth with a porcupine quill. Later, Thoibi found all that had been done. However, she intelligently mended all the holes into a more beautiful cloth. Tamurakpa liked Thoibi's cloth very much. For his own daughter's cloth, he threw it aside. One day, when Thoibi was working at the loom, a wind brought ashes towards her loom. She knew it was from Moirang. She wept remembering her beloved Khamba as well as her hometown. God Thangjing softened her father's heart. He sent men to bring her back. However, he asked Kongyamba to forcibly elope Thoibi from her return journey. On the other hand, Thoibi prayed to the patron deity of Kabaw chiefdom. She thanked Chief Tamurakpa for his generous hospitality. On her way, she saw the stone on which she had marked the token of her chastity. She prayed to it and offered gold and silver on it. She saw Khamba's staff which she had planted. It blossomed into a leafy tree.

Thoibi's escape from Kongyamba[change | change source]

Thoibi escaped from Angom Nongban Kongyamba by tricking him.

As she went on and on, she saw Kongyamba. Kongyamba asked his men if Princess Thoibi was coming. After looking carefully, they shouted, "Lo, the Princess is at band." Thoibi heard the shout. She instructed her companions to sit near her if the man was Khamba but far away if the man was Kongyamba." It was Kongyamba and not Khamba. However, she went on. She pretended to be friendly with him. She sat on the red carpet of Kongyamba's possession. However, she placed a stick between Kongyamba and her. She asked him for fruits to eat. Kongyamba brought her fruits. But she did not eat the fruits. She pretended to get ill due to her long journey from Kabaw. Kongyamba was worried. She asked Kongyamba to let her ride on his horse. He agreed. So, Thoibi rode Kongyamba's horse. Kongyamba rode in Thoibi's palanquin. Surprisingly, Thoibi galloped off on the horse towards Khamba's house. Khamba received her from the long time exile at his house. They wept for their reunion. On the other hand, Kongyamba was angry for being tricked by a girl. He tried to gain support from the King's ministers to intervene into the matter. In the meantime, Minister Thonglen and Minister Nongtholba sent men to guard Khamba and Thoibi. The matter was set before the King in the Royal Court. The king wanted to solve the issue by the trial of the spear. During the discussion, an old man came to the meet the king. The old man informed him that a ferocious tiger was a great threat to the villagers of Khoirentak region. The King changed his mind. He announced that the tiger will be the determining point of the matter. He added that the killer of the tiger will marry Princess Thoibi.

The tiger hunt[change | change source]

Khamba and Kongyamba during the tiger hunt

The trackers and scouts fenced around the very forest. On the said day, the King and his ministers gathered there in the stadium. Audiences gathering in the stadium resembled a white cloth spread on the ground. Khamba and Kongyamba showed respect to the King. The two went on and found the traces of the tiger. A body of a recently killed girl was found on the way. Then, the tiger was found. They threw spears to it. But the tiger turned the spears away. It sprang upon and bit Kongyamba. At this, Kongyamba was killed. Khamba attacked at the tiger. He drove it away. Khamba carried Kongyamba back to the stadium. Thonglen told Khamba,

"What! Are you afraid? Your father killed five tigers and you fear only one. Go or I will come and kill the beast."

Khamba re-entered into the woods. The tiger was crouching half hidden by the bushes. But it could be clearly seen from the stadium of the king. The tiger jumped upon Khamba. Khamba pierced the tiger's predating jaws with his spear. Finally, the beast was killed. The King offered rich gifts to Khamba. He offered him great lands. Khamba was also given the rights of fishery, clothes of honor and titles of high fame. He was made the master of a salt-well. Finally, Khamba and Thoibi got wedded in high state by the King of Moirang. After their marriage, Khamnu and Feiroijamba also wedded. Thus, the marriage engagement set by Nongtholba and late Purenba about their respective children was fulfilled. One day, Khamba got suspicious of Thoibi if she was not faithful to him. He wanted to test her chastity. One night, he pretended to get away from home. Then, he secretly returned home. In disguise as a stranger, he pierced a stick through the wall of Thoibi’s room. He was teasing Thoibi. Thoibi was not aware of all this. So, she thought it was done by a stranger. She got furious. She thrusted a spear through the wall to pierce the stranger. Khamba was severely wounded. He called her. Thoibi knew his voice. She immediately went out and carried him in. Khamba was dying. She was extremely shocked. Before he died, she killed herself upon him with the same spear. Khamba and Thoibi are the incarnations of a god and a goddess. They were sent by God Thangjing. Unlike normal mortal beings, God Thangjing denied their happiness of long life and children.

References[change | change source]

  1. Hodson, T. C. (Thomas Callan) (1908). The Meitheis. Duke University Libraries. London, D. Nutt. p. 134.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: date and year (link)
  2. Hodson, T. C. (Thomas Callan) (1908). The Meitheis. Duke University Libraries. London, D. Nutt. p. 181.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: date and year (link)