Yotsuya Kaidan

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Yotsuya Kaidan, also known as Tōkaidō yotsuya kaidan, is one of the most famous Japanese ghost stories of all time.[1] It was written as a play in 1825 by Tsuruya Nanboku.[2]

The tale takes place in the Tōkaidō region.

Plot[change | change source]

The story is a tale of murder, betrayal and ghostly revenge. It continues to be an influence on Japanese horror today.

References[change | change source]

  1. Nussbaum, Louis-Frédéric. (2005). "Tōkaidō yotsuya kaidan" in Japan Encyclopedia, pp. 973-974.
  2. Nussbaum, "Tsuruya Nanboku" in Japan Encyclopedia, p. 1002.

Japanese Mythology & Folklore

Mythic Texts and Folktales:
Kojiki | Nihon Shoki | Otogizōshi | Yotsuya Kaidan
Urashima Tarō | Kintarō | Momotarō | Tamamo-no-Mae
Izanami | Izanagi | Amaterasu
Susanoo | Ama-no-Uzume | Inari
List of divinities | Kami | Seven Lucky Gods
Legendary Creatures:
Oni | Kappa | Tengu | Tanuki | Fox | Yōkai | Dragon
Mythical and Sacred Places:
Mt. Hiei | Mt. Fuji | Izumo | Ryūgū-jō | Takamagahara | Yomi