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Teeth and eating - Read


Humans and animals have many different types of teeth. Our teeth will change with age. So, the teeth you have when you are a baby aren't the same as the one's you will have as an adult. Bacteria can ruin teeth and stop them from doing their job.

When you older will get 20 teeth wow that's a lot but at first you have milk teeth if you lose teeth your adult teeth you'll have to wear false teeth.

Squash is bad for your teeth because it attacks your teeth then your teeth and the drink will have a war How our teeth develop

Humans have two sets of teeth in their life:

1.Milk (baby) teeth

These are the first set of teeth to grow. They start growing between six and ten months of age. A child will have around 20 baby teeth by the time he or she is three years old.

2.Permanent (adult) teeth

Baby teeth should begin to fall out by the age of six, leaving space for adult teeth to grow. An adult can grow up to 32 permanent teeth.