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Himno de Riego

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"El Himno de Riego" is the anthem of the second Spanish Republic. It was named for of Colonel Rafael Del Riego. It was composed by José Melchor Gomis.

Spanish[1] English
Soldados, la patria nos llama a la lid;
Juremos por ella vencer o morir.
Serenos, alegres, valientes, osados,
Cantemos, soldados, el himno a la lid.
Y a nuestros acentos el orbe se admire
Y en nosotros mire los hijos del Cid.
Blandamos el hierro que el tímido esclavo
Del libre, del bravo, la faz no osa ver.
Sus huestes cual humo veréis disipadas,
Y a nuestras espadas fugaces correr.
¿El mundo vio nunca, más noble osadía?
¿Ni vio nunca un día más grande el valor,
Que aquel, inflamados, nos vimos del fuego,
Excitar a Riego de Patria el amor?
Honor al caudillo, honor al primero
Que el cívico acero osó fulminar.
La patria afligida oyó sus acentos
Y vió sus tormentos en gozo tornar.
Su voz fué seguida, su voz fué escuchada,
Tuvimos en nada soldados morir.
Y osados quisimos romper la cadena
Que de afrenta llena del bravo el vivir.
Mas ya la alarma tocan; las armas tan sólo
El crimen, el dolo, podrán abatir.
Que tiemblen, que tiemblen, que tiemble el malvado
Al ver al soldado la lanza esgrimir.
La trompa guerrera sus ecos al viento,
Horror al sediento, ya ruge el cañón.
A Marte sañudo la audacia provoca
Y el ingenio invoca de nuestra nación.
Se muestran: volemos, volemos, soldados.
¿Los veis aterrados, su frente bajar?
Volemos, que el libre por siempre ha sabido
del siervo vendido la audacia humillar.
Soldiers, the homeland calls us to the fight;
Let us swear for her sake to triumph or to die.
Serene and happy, valiant and bold
Let us sing, soldiers, the battle hymn.
The world is astonished at our voices
And in us it beholds the sons of the Cid.
We brandish the iron that the timid slave
Of the free man, of the brave man, the face does not dare to see.
Like smoke, you will see his host dissipated
And run to our fleeting swords.
Has the world ever seen more noble daring?
Nor has any day seen greater valour,
Than that, inflamed, we showed at the fire,
To awaken in Riego the love of his land?
Honour to the leader, honour to the first
That the civic sword dared to strike down.
The afflicted homeland heard their voices
And saw their torments turn into joy.
His voice was followed, his voice was heard,
We had soldiers dying in nothing.
And we bold ones wanted to break the chain
That fills the brave man with disgrace to live.
But the alarm is already sounding; only weapons
Will be able to bring down crime, fraud.
Let them tremble, let them tremble, let the wicked man tremble
At the sight of the soldier wielding the spear.
The war trumpet echoes to the winds,
Affrighting the greedy, the cannon now roars.
The audacity of our nation provokes
And the genius [of our nation] invokes wrathful Mars.
They show themselves: let us fly, let us fly, soldiers.
Do you see them terrified, their head lowering?
Let us fly, such that the free man has always known
Of the sold servant, the audacity bowing.


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  1. Ribas, Federico (1931-05-23). "El Himno de Riego – Sus olvidados autores" [The Himno de Riego – Its forgotten authors] (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2021-08-25. Retrieved 2021-08-25.