Template:Convert/list of units/volume/impus

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cubic mile cumi (mi3) cu mi 1.0 cu mi (4.2 km3)
acre-foot acre ft (acre feet, acre foot) acre⋅ft used for large-scale water resources
code "acre foot" will show "acre foot" if plural.

code "acre foot" will show "foot" or "feet" depending on value.

1.0 acre⋅ft (1,200 m3)

cubic yard cuyd (yd3) cu yd 1.0 cu yd (0.76 m3)
cubic foot cuft (ft3, cufoot, foot3) cu ft code "cufoot or foot3" will show "cubic foot" if plural.

code "cufoot or foot3" will show "foot" or "feet" depending on value.

1.0 cu ft (0.028 m3)

board foot board feet (board foot) (none) 1 ft × 1 ft × 1 in

used for measuring lumber
code "board foot" will show "board foot" if plural.
code "board foot" will show "foot" or "feet" depending on value.

1.0 board foot (0.0024 m3)

cubic inch cuin (in3) cu in 1.0 cu in (16 cm3)