User:Bill Thayer~simplewiki

From Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I was born in Bern, Switzerland on November 23, 1949: my father was an American diplomat; my mother was American but had been French: she had been a chemical engineer in the Free French army in 1943‑1945. I worked many years as a translator, turning books on engineering into French from English. For a long time I have liked old things and I like to walk in the country in Europe. In 1996, I started a big website on the old Romans and central Italy.

Most of what I work on for Wikipedia is not big or important: pages on towns in Umbria, often not very big, except for starting the page on Trevi and writing on the Via Flaminia, and some small work on pages about Ancient Rome. I feel Categories are useful and I have been putting pages into them.

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