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Himorogi (神籬) in Japan are sometimes seen at construction sites. The boundary ropes mark a sacred space. The symbolic fenced area stands for a while before actual work begins. The zigzag-shaped paper streamers ropes are called shide (紙垂).

  • Filipacchi, Amanda. 'Wikipedia’s Sexism,' New York Times (US). April 27, 2013
  • Flood, Alison. "Wikipedia bumps women from 'American novelists' category," Guardian UK). 25 April 2013
  • Zandt, Deanna. "Yes, Wikipedia Is Sexist -- That's Why It Needs You," Forbes (US). April 26, 2013; excerpt, "...sexism on Wikipedia is intrusively shaping how women are represented, and in this case, how women are sometimes categorized as a special subset within a broader occupation .... Wikipedians have worked hard on hammering out editing guidelines together (there’s even a mediation process for people who can’t agree on how a page should be edited). Where things start to get sticky is figuring out how to handle the bias that may influence those guidelines."