Bondage (BDSM)

Bondage is s part of BDSM. The idea is to restrain s person, or to limit the way people can move, to sexually arouse them. As with the other parts of BDSM, this is done with the consent of the person. The B in BDSM stands for bondag (the D stands for dominance or discipline, the S for sumbission or sadism, the M for Masochism). Bondage also exista outside of BDSM. One of the goals of bodage may be to heighten concentration and feling. Very often people use tools for this. An example for tools used are blindfolds, ropes and handcuffs.
One partner may tie up the other because the tied partner may become helpless and submissive. Also the active partner can get pleasure form seeing the other person helpless, tied up, and unable to resist.