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Fosen conflict

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The Fosen conflict[1][2] is an ongoing Norwegian conflict regarding environmentalism on the Fosen peninsula, Trøndelag county. The Supreme Court ruled that wind turbines on Fosen have been built unlawfully.[3] The Supreme Court ruled in October 2021 that the wind turbines on Fosen, violate the indigenous rights of the Sámi people.[4] The Fosen conflict has resulted in civil disobedience; in 2023, Greta Thunberg and others were blocking entrances to (government) ministries in Oslo; the police moved them out of the way.[5][6] On March 2, 2023, protesters were blocking entrances to (government) ministries in Oslo; protesters were arrested, brought to ["the central arrest (facility)"] sentralarresten[7] and given a fine.[8] On Svalbard, students at the folk high school protested the visit of the prime minister; and walls at the school, were covered with protests [or messages of protest].[9] In the afternoon, the president of the Sami Parliament (Norway) and the Minister of Energy had a meeting. They held a press conference following the meeting. The minister apologised on behalf of the Cabinet (Norway) - for the violation of human rights, that had happened, in regard to [the decisions resulting from the case work,] konsesjonsvedtakene.[4] The same afternoon, the prime minister wrote that the Cabinet is apologising to the Sami practitioners at Fosen of reindeer husbandry (reindriftsamene) , for the violations of their human rights, because of the significant negative impact on their opportunities to practice their culture.[4] In the evening, the prime minister met in a church, with some of the young[er][10] protesters.[11] Later that evening, the spokeswoman for the protesters that attended that meeting, said that there are "demands of ours" that must be fulfilled immediately. A final decision has to be made, and "our demand" is that the wind turbines (at Fosen) be dismantled, and the [use of] the land, returned to the Sami at Fosen. [12] The prime minister invited the Sami practitioners at Fosen for a breakfast (on 3 March).[13] They and the prime minister and a few other politicians had a breakfast meeting (at Statsministerens kontor).[14] Around 15 minutes after the end of the breakfast meeting, one of the leading protesters, called off the 8-day long protest. [a few hundred people,] activists [and supporters] gathered at "royal palace's square" for a sit-down protest that lasted a few hours.[15][16]

The police have filed reports against 32 protesters; Fines have not been set (as of March 8, 2023).[17]

Activists started (June 26) blocking roads to wind turbines at Roan, Åfjord municipality; 4 activists were told (June 29) by police to go away; 2 of those were removed by the police.[18]

In October, the lawyer for the reindeer owners at North Fosen, said that his side will meet with a mediator and the government, in November. He says that there will be no more mediation after that meeting.[19] (Earlier in the month, media said that there are no longer consultations going on between the "Sami of Fosen" (Fosen-samene) and the Cabinet (Norway) and the Sami parliament (Norway).)[20]

The minister of oil and energy said (2023's fourth quarter) that taking down all the wind turbines at Fosen, is not going to happen, for now.[20]

As of December 2024, a trial of 13 protesters, is going on in a court of appeal.[21][22] Earlier that year, c. a dozen activists were acquitted in Oslo District Court; The government asked that the case be heard in an appeals court.[23] Earlier (November 22, 2023), media said the activists that did not follow orders from the police (on the night of February 27), now are being fined.[24] Each person's fine, is Norwegian kroner 5,000.[25]


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Response to the Fosen conflict: the leader of [ trade union of the personnel of locomotives,] Lokomotivpersonalets Forening Oslo wrote to media that "When injustice becomes law, then resistance becomes [a] duty. We give our full support to the resistance fight of the Sami of Fosen".[26]

The chief editor of Finansavisen said in his editorial (October 25, 2023), suggested that there are around 6 or 8 Sami families at Fosen. He said that giving each family Norwegian kroner one million per year, should be enough to take care of the economic side [of the controversy].[27]

['The Norwegian judges' association'] Den Norske Dommerforening has written to parliament and the Cabinet, according to media in November. The association has requested that parliament and the Cabinet, respect the verdict in the supreme court. The association has also asked that parliament and Cabinet, explain how they will uphold the rule of law and human rights.[28]

  1. https://energywatch.com/EnergyNews/Renewables/article15108125.ece. Energywatch.com. Retrieved 2023-03-13
  2. https://www.theleftberlin.com/wind-turbines-indigenous-rights/. Theleftberlin.com. Retrieved 2023-03-13
  3. https://www.aftenposten.no/video/i/Eab6Rj/dokumentar-rein-og-vind [documentary: reindeer and wind]. Aftenposten.no. Retrieved 2023-03-02
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 https://www.nrk.no/norge/terje-aasland-beklager-til-fosen-samene-1.16319465. NRK.no. Retrieved 2023-03-02
  5. https://www.dagsavisen.no/kultur/2023/03/03/ungdomsopproret-se-bildene-fra-en-uke-med-fosen-aksjoner-i-oslo/. Dagsavisen.no. Retrieved 2023-03-03
  6. https://www.dn.no/innenriks/fosen/demonstrasjon/olje-og-energiministeren-ber-stortinget-om-a-fa-redegjore-for-oppfolgingen-av-fosen-saken/2-1-1411519. Dagens Næringsliv. Retrieved 2023-03-02
  7. https://www.nrk.no/norge/aktivistene-blokkerer-departementer-_-politiet-fjerner-dem-1.16318527. NRK.no. Retrieved 2023-03-02
  8. https://www.dagsavisen.no/nyheter/innenriks/2023/03/02/politiet-har-begynt-a-pagripe-aksjonister-utenfor-finansdepartementet/. Dagsavisen.no. Retrieved 2023-03-02
  9. https://www.nrk.no/tromsogfinnmark/store-mott-av-fosen-aktivister-pa-svalbard-1.16319282. NRK.no. Retrieved 2023-03-02
  10. https://www.regjeringen.no/no/aktuelt/statsministeren-moter-unge-som-demonstrerer-i-fosen-saken/id2965245/. Regjeringen.no. Retrieved 2023-03-02
  11. https://www.nrk.no/sapmi/aksjonerer-etter-fosen-dommen-1.16310799. NRK.no. Retrieved 2023-03-02
  12. https://www.vg.no/nyheter/innenriks/i/eJOpkM/stoere-etter-moetet-med-fosen-demonstrantene-har-gjort-inntrykk-paa-meg. VG.no. Retrieved 2023-03-03
  13. 20:10 Invitert til frokost med Støre. NRK.no. Retrieved 2023-03-02
  14. https://www.nrk.no/norge/store-innrommer-pagaande-menneskerettsbrot-pa-fosen-1.16320525. NRK.no. Retrieved 2023-03-03
  15. https://www.aftenposten.no/norge/i/zExpkO/opphevet-fosen-blokadene-regjeringen-skal-aldri-glemme-hva-som-skjedde-her. Aftenposten. Retrieved 2023-03-03
  16. https://www.aftenposten.no/norge/i/69WOPL/stoere-innroemmer-paagaaende-menneskerettighetsbrudd-paa-fosen. Aftenposten.no. Retrieved 2023-03-03
  17. https://www.nrk.no/sapmi/fosen-_-botene-ikke-bestemt-enda-1.16326212. NRK.no. Retrieved 2023-03-13
  18. https://www.nrk.no/trondelag/fjernet-aksjonister-ved-vindkraftverket-pa-fosen-1.16465153. NRK.no. Retrieved 2023-06-29
  19. https://klassekampen.no/artikkel/2023-10-20/setter-frist-for-fosen-beslutning. Klassekampen.no. Retrieved 2023-10-20
  20. 20.0 20.1 https://www.dn.no/d2/ledestjerner/klima/miljo/ledestjerner-2023/fosen-aktivist-om-myndighetenes-behandling-av-samene-ren-ondskap/2-1-1522221. Retrieved 2023-10-17
  21. https://www.nrk.no/sapmi/fosen-aksjonistene-nektet-a-vedta-boter_-na-starter-ankesaken-i-borgarting-lagmannsrett-1.17164847. Retrieved 2024-12-13
  22. https://www.nrk.no/sapmi/fosen-aksjonistene-til-lagmannsretten_-_-trodde-vi-var-ferdig-1.17019228. Retrieved 2024-08-28
  23. https://www.nrk.no/sapmi/xl/tre-samiske-aktivister-gir-alt-for-fremtida-1.16892281. Retrieved 2024-06-20
  24. https://www.nettavisen.no/nyheter/fosen-aktivistene-botelegges-for-aksjonene-i-februar/s/5-95-1470651. Retrieved 2023-11-22
  25. https://www.vg.no/nyheter/innenriks/i/76aw6o/kan-bli-skjebnedag-for-fosen-forhandlinger. VG.no. Retrieved 2023-11-24
  26. "Når urett blir rett". Klassekampen (2023-10-10) P. 25
  27. https://www.nettavisen.no/okonomi/dette-skriver-avisene-om-okonomi-onsdag-25-oktober/s/5-95-1412428. Nettavisen.no. Retrieved 2023-10-25
  28. https://www.nrk.no/sapmi/dommerforeningen-ber-statsministeren-og-stortingspresidenten-respektere-fosen-dommen-1.16541351. NRK.no. Retrieved 2023-11-24

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