Guhyasamāja Tantra

Guhyasamāja Tantra (Sanskrit: Guhyasamājatantra; Tibetan: Gsang ’dus rtsa rgyud; English: Tantra of the Secret Community) is a tantra method of Tibetan Buddhism. The central figure is called "Vajra‐pāni" which means a vajra-carrier or a vajra-master.[1]
The Guhyasamāja Tantra was the secret gathering based on thought that having sexual relations with many women would contribute to Buddhism awakening. The legitimate wives of the vajra‐sattvaḥa, called "dakinis", were limited only to virgins. Although the number of dakinis is variously drafted according to the literature, it probably amounts to a number of geometrical progressionwise.
Also statues and pictures were made to beautify the method. However, because those acts had no integrity to fundamental buddhist precepts, it is no longer done in Tibetan Buddhism. On the contrary, warning symbols and festivals, such as Citipati, are widely spread.[2]
[change | change source]-
Padmasambhava, the former Prince of Wales Museum in Mumbai.
Saṃvara with Vajravārāh, Tibetan souvenir (origin is unknown).
Yamantaka Vajrabhairav, the British Museum - Asian Gallery.
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[change | change source]References
[change | change source]- ↑ Guhyasamaja tantra [archive], Creative Commons License. Retrieve on April 28, 2018.
- ↑ Tibetan Skeleton Dance: Cemetery Protectors of Truth,posted on October 25, 2014. WilderUtopia. Retrieve on April 27, 2018.