Human rights in Tatarstan: Revision history

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24 December 2023

24 November 2023

18 July 2023

7 June 2023

6 January 2022

5 November 2021

  • curlast 16:4116:41, 5 November 20212a00:23c5:8d98:e201:1cb0:79ab:f6b6:3991 talk 3,094 bytes +3,094 Created page with "thumb|Flag of the Tatars The member organisations of the House work on a range of issues including prison conditions; police abuse; access to medical treatment; violence in the army; domestic violence and the conditions for children in institutional care. The House members have a thematic focus on the rights to freedom of expression, association and assembly. With member organisations that have worked together since 2009, Human Rights..."