User:Irtapil/Nayef Hawatmeh

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Irtapil/Nayef Hawatmeh
نايف حواتمة عام 2017
BornTemplate:تاريخ الميلاد والعمر

  thumb| Nayef Hawatmeh Nayef Hawatmeh (born in November 1935 in Salt ) is a Jordanian politician who holds the position of Secretary-General of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, which he founded in 1969 . [1] One of the most prominent leaders of the first generation in the contemporary Palestinian revolution, and in the Palestine Liberation Organization, an opponent of the Oslo Accords .

Politician[change | change source]

Hawatmeh belonged to the Arab Nationalist Movement, which arose as a direct response to the defeat of the Arabs and the Nakba of Palestine. He was only sixteen years old at the time, and he bore full organizational responsibility for leading the Arab Nationalist Movement in Jordan and the West Bank after the coup against the nationalist government of Suleiman al-Nabulsi in Jordan in April. 1957 AD, and he was not yet nineteen years old, and in February 1958 there was a necessity for disappearance and secret organizational life after the movement was subjected to persecution in Jordan, and the complete disappearance took place for a period of time that was not short, and here the first death sentence was issued against Nayef Hawatmeh in Jordan, and a number of his brothers were arrested. For long periods.

Due to the successive repercussions, Hawatmeh secretly entered Damascus and from there to Tripoli in Lebanon at the head of an armed convoy on foot from Homs, Syria, where he contributed to the 1958 revolution at the head of cadres and members of the Arab Nationalist Movement against Camille Chamoun’s projects to bring American forces and Eisenhower’s project to Lebanon and formed a battle front. Jointly with President Rashid Karami and his party, the Arab Liberation Movement, and with the Baath parties in northern Lebanon. Later, he moved to Baghdad (after the revolution of July 14, 1958, and after the departure of Chamoun and reconciliation between the parties to the armed conflict in Lebanon) within the framework of the nationalist movement, and there he bore full responsibility for the conditions of the nationalist movement. Arabs in Iraq, and there Hawatmeh was first arrested for “14 months” in the struggle against the dictatorship of Abdul Karim Qasim, and he was juxtaposed in his prison with a number of figures who played a later role in the life of Iraq, such as Abdul Salam Arif, Ahmed Hassan al-Bakr, Saleh Mahdi Ammash, Ali Saleh. Al-Saadi, Abdul Karim Farhan, Sobhi Abdul Hamid, Abdul Aziz Al-Uqaili, Abdul Hadi Al-Rawi, Taher Yahya and many of the most prominent military and political leaders who played important roles in the life of Iraq since the July 1958 revolution, until he emerged from the prisons of the dictatorship of Abdul Karim Qasim, along with the previous names. On February 8, 1963, after the first Baath coup allied with Abdel Salam Arif. He published “Al-Wahda” newspaper, which lived for about (27) days and then was closed by the Baath regime in Iraq. The second arrest took place during the era of Arif’s coalition with the Baath because of what was issued by the newspaper and the Arab Nationalist Movement in Iraq, of which Hawatmeh was the leader. Then he moved further to Egypt and from there to Lebanon. Another death sentence was issued against him shortly after his deportation from Iraq [See Brigadier General Abdul Karim Farhan’s book “Harvest of a Revolution”, Iraq’s Experience 58-64. Member of the Officers Command Committee of the July 14 Revolution 58, Minister of Culture and Guidance. And the book by Hani Al-Fakiki, a member of the Iraqi Baath leadership, “The Dens of Defeat - My Experience in the Baath Party.” And Muhammad Jamal Barut’s book “The Arab Nationalists Movement - Origins / Development, Destiny” - Arab Center for Strategic Studies / Damascus].

Hawatmeh is considered one of the most prominent leaders of the emerging left in the modern nationalist movement (in the countries of the Arab Levant), where he led the revolutionary democratic wing in its ranks. In Yemen, he contributed to the battle to liberate it from the British occupation. He contributed to preparing the program for the Fourth Conference of the South Yemeni Authority immediately after independence, and published the book “The Crisis of the Revolution.” In South Yemen,” which proposed a new program for the revolution in the course of the ongoing conflict between the left and the right in power and the National Front Party, which led the liberation war from British colonialism. The book turned into a reference for the National Left in Yemen, which took power after the defeat of the right wing in the National Front and the army. After the defeat of 1967 and the opening of the horizon of the Palestinian revolution in response to the Israeli occupation, and as an alternative response to the defeat of the Arab regimes, he moved to work in the hot arena of conflict and within the framework of the branches of the national movement in Palestine and Jordan. In the August 1968 joint conference of the democratic leftist and traditional rightist movements in the coalition of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (the Palestinian-Jordanian branch of the Arab nationalists), Nayef Hawatmeh presented the political and organizational report and the task and work report, where Hawatmeh succeeded in playing the pivotal role and developing the role and weight of the left wing within the framework of the movement. Nationalism. Upon retreating from the results of the August 1968 conference and using forms of force and violence, Hawatmeh declared the independence of the leftist movement under the name of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine on February 22, 1969.

Since then, the Democratic Front, under the leadership of Hawatmeh, has become a fundamental and major faction within the framework of the PLO coalition and within the framework of the revolution and the Palestinian people. It has played an essential role in formulating the programs and missions of the revolution and the organization and in the life of the Palestinian national struggle and the battles to defend the revolution, the organization and the people in the occupied territories as well as in Jordan. And in Lebanon at different time stages and within the framework of the uprising and mass and popular action against the occupation and settlement.

In September 1970, the Jordanian Authority launched a comprehensive war against the Palestinian resistance, and issued a special statement arresting Hawatmeh, dead or alive, and announced that a large sum of money would be allocated to anyone who would do so. This was the second death sentence at the hands of the Jordanian Authority.

He was the first to present to the PLO its realistic, interim national program in 1973, and he fought, within the framework of the Palestinian people, the organization, and the Democratic Front, the battle for the national program, which became, years after it was presented, the program of the people, the revolution, and the organization in successive sessions of the National Council since June 1974, and he introduced a set of subsequent developments in political thought. The contemporary Palestinian [see the aforementioned book by Barot, the book of Dr. Maher Al-Sharif, “The Search for an Entity,” the book The Development of Palestinian Political Thought/Faisal Hourani, Palestinian Entity/Issa Al-Shuaibi, Khaled Al-Fahoum’s Memoirs.

Nayef Hawatmeh was slightly injured in 2012 by an explosive device near his office headquarters in Damascus in the midst of the Syrian crisis, noting that the device was not targeting him but was directed at a Baath Party headquarters near his office.

The solution is through negotiations[change | change source]

Hawatmeh was also the first Palestinian leader who clearly called for a solution based on United Nations resolutions, a political settlement, and negotiation with the Israelis in accordance with the resolutions and references of international legitimacy. In this regard, he sent the first appeal from a Palestinian official to all Israelis on the pages of Yedioth Ahronoth and a number of international newspapers such as the Washington Post, no. Belgian Siwar, French Le Monde, Beirut An-Nahar in Lebanon / April 1974. He called on them to recognize the right of the Palestinian people to return, self-determination and independence, and called on them with the following phrase: “Come, let us turn swords into machetes.” This is within the framework of a comprehensive and balanced peace that recognizes the right of the Palestinian people to an independent state with Jerusalem as its capital, self-determination, and a solution to the refugee problem in accordance with UN Resolution 194.

After leaving Beirut in 1982, Hawatmeh played a pivotal role in defending the MT coalition. F. And defending its unity in the face of attempts at dissent and self-destruction between the two wings of Fatah and the nihilistic rejectionist factions that occurred after breaking out of the siege of Beirut. The Democratic Front paid a heavy price for this position under successive pressures from other regional powers.

He continued an active and proactive role in the solutions and programs decided upon in the institutions of the Liberation Organization, especially the decisions of the Palestinian National Council and the Declaration of Independence / November 1988, the decisions of the foundations of the political settlement of the National Council (September 1991), and the projects of a realistic alternative to the Oslo Accords and the step-by-step policy (book - Oslo and the Other Peace). The Balanced 1999, and the book Beyond Oslo - Palestine, Where to? 2000).

In Revolution Square[change | change source]

H. Nayef Hawatmeh was born in November 1938. The Hawatmeh family is spread across Palestine, Jordan, and Syria, and their roots go back to the Arab Ghassanids (Dictionary of the Arab Tribes, five parts, the first part written by Omar Redha Kahala, published in 1945). He continued his secondary studies at Al Hussein College (Amman, Jordan). He began his university studies at the Faculty of Medicine / Cairo University, but stopped halfway due to political and national considerations. Thus, university studies were interrupted for about ten years, then resumed in philosophy and psychology at Beirut Arab University, then continued in Moscow until obtaining his doctorate. His thesis was in PhD under the title:

“Transformations within the ranks of the nationalist movement, from a general national movement to a leftist movement.” Study in Moscow took on the nature of affiliation and not the nature of regular attendance.

Hawatmeh the intellectual[change | change source]

As for Hawatmeh, the intellectual and human being, he is drawn in much of his conscience to the revolutionary Arab and Islamic heritage and European revolutionary history with its waves of cultural and enlightenment renaissance. He is a member of the Usrat al-Qalam Club, which is one of the first clubs concerned with culture in the Middle East, which he joined after its founding by Moqbel Moumni and his planet. I am that senior cultural figure, and he was also influenced by the personality and role of the great leader Gamal Abdel Nasser after the Great National Nakba of 1948, as Hawatmeh considered him the brightest and most influential figure in the region and its peoples during the years of his life in Egypt, the Arab world, and many of the Third World (see the book “Hawatmeh Speaks... »). Hawatmeh works diligently and actively throughout the extended hours, devoting all his energies to following up on every big and small thing in the path and march of the Palestinian and Arab national movement .

From his books and writings[change | change source]

2. Palestinian Resistance and the Arab Conditions - Dar Al-Tali’ah - Beirut 1969.

3. The September Campaign and the Palestinian Resistance - Lessons and Results - in Self-Criticism - November 1970 - Dar Al-Tali’ah, Beirut.

4. The current situation and the tasks of the Arab Liberation and Progress Movement - Central Media / Beirut - July 1979.

5. The current conditions and tasks of the Palestinian revolution and the Arab liberation movement - Central Media / Beirut - July 1980.

6. The tasks of the Palestinian revolution after the invasion of Lebanon and the Battle of Beirut - Central Media - December 1982.

7. Book: Dialogue between the Democratic Front and the Egyptian Vanguard (Lutfi al-Khouli interviews Hawatmeh, 11/11/1969).

8. Work after the October War to defeat the surrender solution and extract the right to self-determination - Nayef Hawatmeh - Central Media / Beirut 1973.

9. The current tasks of the Palestinian revolution - in order to defeat the liquidationist surrender solution and extract the right to self-determination - Nayef Hawatmeh - Central Media - Democratic Front - Beirut - January 1974.

8. Work after the October War to defeat the surrender solution and extract the right to self-determination - Nayef Hawatmeh - Central Media / Beirut 1973.

9. The current tasks of the Palestinian revolution - in order to defeat the liquidationist surrender solution and extract the right to self-determination - Nayef Hawatmeh - Central Media - Democratic Front - Beirut - January 1974.

10. Let all revolutionary and national forces unite - Nayef Hawatmeh - Central Media / Beirut - 1974.

11. The Interim Revolutionary Government - Nayef Hawatmeh - Central Media / Beirut - 1975.

12. The Palestine Liberation Organization between the national decision and right-wing concessions - Nayef Hawatmeh - Central Media / Beirut 1977.

13. The c'set pas logique sa - Central Media / Beirut 1977.

14. Book: Arab and Palestinian developments - Camp David Accords (facts and missions) - Nayef Hawatmeh - Central Media - 1978.

15. Towards a firm confrontation of the Camp David Accords - towards a unified position of the M.T. F. - Nayef Hawatmeh - Central Media / Beirut - 1979.

16. What to do after the Amman Arab Summit - Nayef Hawatmeh - Central Media / Beirut - 1981.

17. Book: Issues of the Palestinian Revolution and the New Phase - Nayef Hawatmeh - Central Media - 1983.

18. A dialogue on hot Palestinian and Arab issues with Nayef Hawatmeh - Central Media - February 1985.

19. Book: The Palestine Liberation Organization Crisis - Analysis and Criticism of Roots and Solutions - Nayef Hawatmeh - Central Media - 1986 (several editions).

20. Book: On Palestinian national unity and the exit from the PLO crisis - Nayef Hawatmeh - Central Media - 1986.

21. Book: Maintaining Unity, Alliances, and Struggle Tasks for the Victory of the Intifada - Nayef Hawatmeh - Central Media - March 1988.

22. Nayef Hawatmeh speaks - published by Al-Katib Publishing House / Damascus and Al-Manahil / Beirut in its first edition. And from Dar Al-Jalil / Amman in its second edition in 1997. Dar Al-Masar / Ramallah / Palestine in its third edition in 1998.

23. Oslo and the Other Balanced Peace - published by the People’s House in Damascus and Beisan in Beirut in 1999 in its first edition. And by Dar Al-Jalil in Amman, in its second edition, 1999. Dar Al-Masar/Ramallah, Palestine, in its third edition, 1999. Al-Mahrousa/Cairo/Egypt, fourth edition 2004.

24. Beyond Oslo - Palestine, where to? Issued by the People’s House in Damascus and Bisan in Beirut in its first edition in 2000. And by Dar Al-Jalil in its second edition, 2000. Dar Al-Mahrousa/Cairo/Egypt, third edition 2004.

25. The crisis of the revolution in southern Yemen. Vanguard House - Beirut, 1968.

26. Intifada - Intractability... Palestine, where to? Dar Al-Ahali/Damascus, Dar Beisan/Beirut, first edition 2005, Dar Al-Jalil, Amman/Jordan, second edition 2005, Dar Al-Rifai/Cairo/Egypt, third edition 2006.

References[change | change source]

  1. "معلومات عن نايف حواتمة على موقع". Archived from the original on 10 مارس 2018. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |archive-date= (help)

[[Category:1930s births]] [[Category:1938 births]] [[Category:Palestinian nationalists]] [[Category:Living people]] [[Category:1935 births]] [[Category:Jordanian Christians]] [[Category:Palestinian Christians]] [[Category:Palestinian communists]] [[Category:Palestinian activists]] [[Category:Jordanian]] [[Category:Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine]] [[Category:Pages with unreviewed translations]]