Teal (color)
This box shows the color teal. |

Teal is a blue-green color; a dark cyan.
Teal gets its name from the colored area around the eyes of the common teal, a member of the duck family.
The first written use of Teal as a color name in English was in 1917.[1]
Comparison of green, teal, blue and ultramarine
[change | change source]Name | Color | HEX Code | Red | Green | Blue | Hue | Sat | Lum |
Green | #008000 | 0 | 128 | 0 | 120° | 100% | 50% | |
Teal | #008080 | 0 | 128 | 128 | 180° | 100% | 50% | |
Blue | #0000FF | 0 | 0 | 255 | 240° | 100% | 100% | |
Ultramarine (Electric Ultramarine) | #3F00FF | 63 | 0 | 255 | 255° | 100% | 100% |
Tones of teal color comparison chart
[change | change source]Name | Color | HEX Code | Red | Green | Blue | Hue | Sat | Lum | Source |
Light Teal Blue | #18A7B5 | 24 | 167 | 181 | 185° | 77% | 40% | (Teal Blue (Crayola)) | |
Teal | #008080 | 0 | 128 | 128 | 180° | 100% | 25% | (web color) | |
Teal Blue | #367588 | 54 | 117 | 136 | 194° | 43% | 37% | (Plochere Color System) | |
Steel Teal | #5F8A8B | 95 | 138 | 139 | 181° | 19% | 46% | (Crayola Silver Swirls) | |
Teal Green | #006D5B | 0 | 109 | 91 | 170° | 100% | 21% | (www.99colors.net) |
Tones of the Teal color comparison chart
[change | change source]Alice Blue (web color) (Hex: #F0F8FF) (RGB: 240, 248, 255) |
Light Aquamarine (Sharpie) (Pale Teal) (Hex: #EDFEFF) (RGB: 237, 254, 255) |
Bubbles (Xona.com Color List) (Hex: #E7FEFF) (RGB: 231, 254, 255) |
Pale Turquoise (web color) (Hex: #AFEEEE) (RGB: 175, 238, 238) |
Powder Blue (web color) (Hex: #B0E0E6) (RGB: 176, 224, 230) |
Light Blue (Hex: #ADD8E6) (RGB: 173, 216, 230) |
Ultra Blue (Blizzard Blue) (Crayola) (Hex: #A3E3ED) (RGB: 163, 227, 237) |
Pale Robin Egg Blue (Hex: #96DED1) (RGB: 150, 222, 205) |
Light Keppel (Keppel Light (Xona.com color list)) (Hex: #8DDCD3) (RGB: 141, 220, 211) |
Aquamarine (Crayola) (web color) (Light Teal) (Hex: #7FFFD4) (RGB: 127, 255, 212) |
Aquamarine Blue (Crayola Aquamarine) (Hex: #71D9E2) (RGB: 113, 217, 226) |
Baby Blue (Hex: 89CFFD) (RGB: 137, 207, 240) |
Electric Blue (Hex: 7DF9FF) (RGB: 125, 249, 255) |
Cyan (web color Aqua) (Hex: #00FFFF) (RGB: 0, 255, 255) |
Turquoise Blue (Hex: #00FFEF) (RGB: 0, 255, 239) |
Bright Turquoise (Hex: #08E8DE) (RGB: 8, 232, 222) |
Turquoise (web color) (Hex: #30D5C8) (RGB: 48, 213, 200) |
Maya Blue (Hex: #73C2FB) (RGB: 115, 194, 215) |
Capri (web color "Deep Sky Blue") (Hex: #00BFFF) (RGB: 0, 191, 255) |
Process Cyan (Pigment Cyan) (Printer's Cyan)(Deep Aqua) (Hex: #00B7EB) (RGB: 0, 183, 235) |
Bright Cerulean (Crayola Cerulean) (Hex: #02A4D3) (RGB: 2, 164, 211) |
Deep Turquoise (web color "Dark Turquoise") (Hex: #00CED1) (RGB: 0, 206, 209) |
Robin Egg Blue (Hex: #00CCCC) (RGB: 0, 204, 204) |
Medium Turquoise (web color) (Hex: #48D1CC) (RGB: 72, 209, 204) |
Medium Aquamarine (web color) (Hex: #66CDAA) (RGB: 102, 205, 170) |
Keppel (Xona.com color list) (Hex: #3AB09E) (RGB: 58, 176, 158) |
Light Sea Green (web color) (Hex: #20B2AA) (RGB: 32, 178, 170) |
Light Teal Blue (Crayola Teal Blue) (Hex: #18A7B5) (RGB: 24, 167, 181) |
Water (Traditional Japanese colors) (Hex: #96ABA5) (RGB: 134, 171, 165) |
Cadet Blue (web color) (Hex: #5F9EA0) (RGB: 95, 158, 109) |
Viridian (Hex: #40826D) (RGB: 64, 130, 109) |
Pine Green (Crayola) (Hex: #01796F) (RGB: 1, 121, 111) |
Dark Cyan (web color) (Hex: #008B8B) (RGB: 0, 139, 139) |
Teal (web color) (Hex: #008080) (RGB: 0, 128, 128) |
Water Blue (RAL 5021) (Hex: #256D7B) (RGB: 37, 109, 123) |
Teal Blue (Hex: #367588) (RGB: 54, 117, 136) |
Deep Aquamrine (Dark Aqumarine) (Teal Grey) (Hex: #40827D) (RGB: 64, 130, 109) |
Blue-Green (Crayola) (Hex: #0D98BA) (RGB: 13, 152, 186) |
Bondi Blue (Hex: #0095B6) (RGB: 0, 149, 182) |
Rich Electric Blue (Hex: #0892D0) (RGB: 8, 146, 208) |
Cerulean (Hex: #007BA7) (RGB: 0, 123, 167) |
Steel Blue (web color) (Hex: #4682B4) (RGB: 70, 130, 180) |
Steel Teal (Hex: #5F8A8B) (RGB: 95, 138, 139) |
Teal Green (Hex: #006D5B) (RGB: 0, 109, 91) |
Medium Electric Blue (Hex: #035096) (RGB: 3, 80, 150) |
Dark Electric Blue (Hex: #536878) (RGB: 83, 104, 120) |
Midnight Green (Eagle Green) (Dark Teal) (Hex: #004953) (RGB: 0, 73, 83) |
Charleston Green (Hex: #1A2118) (RGB: 26, 33, 24) |
Related pages
[change | change source]References
[change | change source]- ↑ Maerz and Paul A Dictionary of Color New York:1930 McGraw-Hill Page 205; color sample of Teal: Page 101 Plate 39 Color Sample L7