The Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport is a ministry of the Federal Republic of Germany. Its headquarters are in Berlin, but the second office, in Bonn, has more staff.
The Minister is also "Beauftragter der Bundesregierung für die neuen Bundesländer" That is, he is the government's special representative for the old states of East Germany. His job is to help those states to rebuilld industry, improve roads and jobs and become as rich as the other states of Germany.
The Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Housings (BMVBW) was formed in 1998 when the Federal Ministry of Transport and the Federal Ministry of Environmental Planning, Building and Construction and Urban Development were joined. The ministry was renamed in 2005 to the Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development.
Both of these earlier ministries were founded in 1949.
Federal Minister for Environmental Planning, Building and Construction and Urban Development