Leap year starting on Saturday
This article describes any leap year starting on Saturday. Examples include 1916, 1944, 1972, 2000, 2028, 2056, and 2084 in the Gregorian calendar, which is used in most of the world. All end-of-century leap years (leap years divisible by 400) start on a Saturday. The most recent such year was 2000 and the next will be 2400. The dominical letter BA is another one, and it is quite different.
In this leap year January, April, and July begin on Saturday, February and August begin on Tuesday, March and November begin on Wednesday, May begins on Monday, June begins on Thursday, September and December begin on Friday, and October begins on Sunday.
This leap year is one of three leap years with only one Friday the 13th, the others being Leap years starting on Tuesday and Leap year starting on Friday. The one Friday the 13th in this leap year is in October. This characteristic is shared with Common Years Starting on Sunday but also have another one in January. From August of the year preceding this type of year (Common year starting on Friday)) to October in this type of year is the longest period (14 months) that occurs without a Friday the 13th. Common years starting on Tuesday share this characteristic, from July of the year that precedes it (either a Leap year starting on Sunday or Common year starting on Monday) to September in that type of year.
This leap year is one of three leap years with two Friday the 17ths, the others being Leap year starting on Sunday and Leap year starting on Thursday. The Friday the 17ths in this common year are in March and November. Common years starting on Sunday share this characteristic, but also have another one in February.
This leap year is one of three leap years with only one Tuesday the 13th, the others being Leap year starting on Tuesday and Leap year starting on Wednesday. The only Tuesday the 13th in this leap year is in June. Common years starting on Sunday share this characteristic.
In this leap year, Martin Luther King Jr. Day is on January 17, Valentine’s Day is on a Monday, Presidents Day is on its latest possible date, February 21, the leap day, February 29, is on a Tuesday, Daylight Savings Time begins on March 12, St. Patrick’s Day is on a Friday, Mother’s Day is on its latest possible date, May 14, Memorial Day is on May 29, Father’s Day is on June 18, Independence Day is on a Tuesday, Labor Day is on September 4, Columbus Day is on October 9, Halloween is on a Tuesday, Daylight Savings Time ends on November 5, Veterans Day is on a Saturday, Thanksgiving is on November 23, and Christmas is on a Monday.
This is the only type of year that has 54 different calendar weeks (2 partial, 52 full) in places where Sunday is considered the first day of the week. Leap years starting on Sunday share this characteristic in places where Monday is considered to be the first day of the week. This is also the only type of year that has 53 full weekends, as this type of year ends on a Sunday.
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Common year starting on: | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun |
Leap year starting on: | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun |